Our Mission
Rockland County Nurse Recognition Committee
  Official Website
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The mission of the Rockland County Nurse Recognition Committee is to recognize the contributions that nurses have made to our community. Secondly to promote the health and well-being of the community through Nurse Recognition Day Committee County Projects.

Our History
Meet our 2012 Host For
This Year’s
Nurse Recognition Day Event
Nurse Recognition Day was started in Rockland County 30 years ago by nurses
representing Healthcare Facilities and Healthcare Service Providers in the
community. The Nurse Recognition Day Committee has been made up of nurses from
these various organizations. Each year a facility or service provider has hosted
Nurse Recognition Day. The county of Rockland and legislative bodies have been
an advocate to this event.

This year the host is Summit Park Hospital and Nurse Care Center a provider in Rockland County. This year's committee has selected the theme of "Uniqueness of Nursing" as their theme.

A community service project is selected by the committee each year. Past projects include, comfort kits donated to the Rockland County Family Shelter for
victims of sexual assault, emergency food kits for Meals on Wheels, a donation
to the Katrina Fund, sponsored membership in the Rockland County Professional
Nurses Association, and a donation to Nurses’ House.

Each year the committee has a luncheon, at this luncheon vendors have the ability to have display tables at the event, an advertising journal is done. This year web advertising will be available on the County Project Website. Details on the event will be posted on website but will also be sent to all healthcare professionals, community leaders, legislators and businesses in Rockland County.

Summit Park is a 57-bed facility for individuals who no longer warrant staying at an acute care hospital but who are still too ill to go home. On-site Medical Director and doctors, Skilled Nursing 24 hours a day, Individual Care Plans to meet medical, rehabilitation, dietary and other needs of the patient or resident. These plans are based on input from our professional staff, families and patient/resident, Rehabilitation including physical, occupational and horticultural therapies; speech; hearing; artificial limb; orthotic, and pain relief, Full-time Director and pharmacy staff, Medical Labs including X-ray, EKG, Dental and eye care.

For more information,
visit their website at:
Rockland County Nurse Recognition Committee
Rockland County Health Forum
Nurse Recognition Day Program
Introduction & Welcome
Deborah Marshall
VP Public Relations, Marketing & Strategic Initiatives
Bon Secours Charity Health System  
Clare Brady R.N. M.S.
Senior Vice President of Mission
Bon Secours Charity Health System
Introduction of Elected OfficialsJo-Ann Robinson, DNP, RNC, BC, APN, C
Administrative Director of Nursing Professional Practice&Magnet
Bon Secours Charity Health System  
Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Gabbie Fried, BSN, RN
Director of Cardiovascular Services
Bon Secours Charity Health System
Keynote Address
Eileen A. Dobbing RN, BSN, MBA
Senior Vice President Patient Care Services/CNO
Bon Secours Charity Health System
Moments of Excellence in Caring VideoJo-Ann Robinson, DNP, RNC, BC, APN, C
Administrative Director of Nursing Professional Practice&Magnet
Bon Secours Charity Health System
Introduction of Nurse Nominees
Anne Fella, RN
Awards Committee Chairperson
Director of Nursing
Summit Park Hospital and Nursing Care Center
Presentation of Excellence in Practice Awards
Kathy Hopkins, RN
Rockland Community College
Jo-Ann Robinson, RN
Good Samaritan Hospital
Patricia Cabbell, RN
Rockland Psychiatric Center
Introduction of Community ProjectJonathon Green, RN
Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center
Closing RemarksJo-Ann Robinson, DNP, RNC, BC, APN, C
Administrative Director of Nursing Professional Practice&Magnet
Bon Secours Charity Health System